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Business Unit

3 Hong Kong is driving the world beat

Happy Hong Kong’s beat was heard around the globe, thanks to 3 Hong Kong’s 5G network. 3 Hong Kong collaborated with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Hong Kong Drum Festival last October. As the 5G Strategic Partner for the event, 3 Hong Kong powered a 4K ultra-high-definition live streaming, bringing the captivating drum rhythms and the scenic beauty of the West Kowloon Cultural District to all parts of the world.
Biz in Brief

They said it couldn’t be done – “They” were wrong

3 Denmark defied all the experts who predicted that their 3G network company, launched in 2003 with precisely zero customers, was doomed to failure. Twenty years on, they are celebrating serving over 1.5 million personal and business Danish customers. They took over 11,000 of them from the competition in Q3 alone.

As if that wasn’t enough, their 5G network was named the “Most Consistent/Best Network Overall” in Denmark by telecommunications analysis agency Opensignal. They also came out on top for accessibility and upload and download speeds for a 5G network in Denmark.
Biz in Brief

3 UK helps to level up rural UK

3 UK has completed the construction of over 100 sites to help bring its national geographic 4G coverage to 90% of the country and to hit 95% coverage by all UK mobile network operators by 2026.

The Shared Rural Network (SRN) is a £1 billion programme supported by the mobile industry and the UK government that aims to improve connectivity in the UK’s most rural locations. Sixty-five of 3’s 100 SRN sites have been deployed across Scotland, providing coverage for 12,500 premises across nearly 2,000 square kilometres of the UK’s most remote locations.  
Biz in Brief

3 Sweden invests in the bandwidth of the future

3 Sweden has gone big by investing in the bandwidth it will need to best serve its customers. It has purchased 1.2 billion SEK (>US$115 million) to secure the spectrum needed for the next 25 years of telecommunications service in the 5G era and beyond. This retains the use of the mid-band spectrum as well as the lower band spectrum for future use.
Biz in Brief

3 Ireland energises the Emerald Isle with an Electric Picnic

Electric Picnic is Ireland’s biggest music festival and it is powered by 3 Ireland! The headline sponsor kept partygoers in touch as they rocked it out to headliners like Billie Eilish, The Killers, Wet Leg and Paulo Nutini. In 2023, the festival experienced a 92% increase in data usage by Three customers, including a ginormous 378% increase in 5G traffic. Three carried 40% of all data downloaded at the festival and partygoers made over 1.5 million calls and uploaded countless videos to social media to bring the festival to the world via the 3 Ireland network!  
Biz in Brief

Hey, Sailor! How about some 5G for your short leave?!

Wind Tre is collaborating with the Ports of Genoa’s PSA Genoa Pra’ to create a 5G-driven Smart Port. The terminal port will get its own high performance 5G Private Network. The industrial setting demands an ultra-reliable platform which will enable the development and deployment of innovative solutions tied into the PSA Genoa Pra’s databases. Port authorities believe it will contribute to the port’s competitiveness and attractiveness to international shippers.


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