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Biz in Brief

NGN and partners secure funding for next phase of hydrogen modelling study

Northern Gas Networks (NGN) and a number of heavyweight industry partners have secured nearly £500,000 in Ofgem funding for its Hydrogen Cost Reduction Programme (HyCoRe), which will explore hydrogen’s role in easing the upfront investment needed to achieve net zero in the UK.

Joined by industry giants such as Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult, Kinewell Energy and Arup, NGN will delve into hydrogen integration with existing energy networks in a series of projects that have already garnered over £16 million in Ofgem funding.

The six-month HyCoRe project will focus on national modelling, regional solution modelling and technical challenge assessment, aiming to pave the way for green hydrogen integration into the gas network.  
Biz in Brief

Northern Gas Networks awarded £300k for Net-Zero Innovation Research

Northern Gas Networks (NGN) has received £300,000 in innovation funding for two studies that would research transitioning to net zero in the UK.

The first project, PATCH (Production and Long-Term Containment of Hydrides), explores alternative hydrogen storage media, while the Regional Energy Strategic Modelling project (RESM) focuses on optimising gas, water and power networks simultaneously, to support low-carbon infrastructure.

Funded by energy network users and consumers (through the Strategic Innovation Fund, SIF), the projects aim at rapidly achieving net zero in the UK at minimal cost while maximising benefits to networks and consumers.  
Biz in Brief

From wild wind to tame electrons, HyCoRe science at work

Northern Gas Networks is about more than gas. It has secured support to conduct a 12-week study into the integration of offshore wind generation and electrolysis, especially the optimal placement of infrastructure, such as electrolysers and energy storage, to minimise the cost and maximise the resilience. The Hydrogen Cost Reduction (HyCoRe) programme is supported by the national energy regulator and development agency, OFGEM, through their Strategic Innovation Fund and has the participation of other energy companies including UK Power Networks.  
In Focus

Weathering the climate-change storm to a carbon-free future

CKHH companies are enacting adaptive strategies to mitigate climate change, including leading the charge in the hydrogen revolution. Day 2 of the Global Climate Action Conference explored how CKHH companies deal with climate-change extreme events and how they are transitioning to climate-friendly energy generation.  

People facing end-of-life issues get a helping hand from NGN and WWU

Terminally ill patients should not be consumed with anxiety over their power bills. This is the simple concern being addressed by Northern Gas Networks (NGN) in partnership with end-of-life charity, Marie Curie, Wales & West Utilities (WWU), SGN and Cadent. Two Energy Support Officers will be hired to work with those in need to improve their situation in the face of rising energy bills. The programme will also provide energy-management specific training to current Marie Curie staff in the community so that they can help people to access grants and benefits and reduce the stress of costs.  
Biz in Brief

NGN tests multi-tech solution for natural gas delivery

Artificial Intelligence (AI), carbon-neutral hydrogen heating boilers, low-pressure hydrogen storage innovations and other solutions are coming together as H2GO Power (“H2GO”) at Northern Gas Networks’ Low Thornley Test Facility in the UK to bring cleaner energy to the people. H2GO will be powered by solar photovoltaic (PV) panels using an AI-enabled optimisation software platform to ensure the most efficient use of renewable energy to distribute gas. The project is funded through the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s £26 million Industrial Hydrogen Accelerator Programme to advance an end-to-end industrial fuel switch from natural gas to hydrogen.  
Biz in Brief

Planning the UK’s green, hydrogen future

Northern Gas Networks (NGN) is at the forefront of the extensive research, planning and testing needed to ensure that hydrogen can be used safely and efficiently in the UK gas network. The pilot HyDeploy project saw 668 homes in Winlaton, Gateshead receive an 80:20 gas–hydrogen blend to heat their homes and for use in their appliances, in a 10-month demonstration that concluded in June.

NGN has also received permission from the regulator Ofgem to plan for a two-year hydrogen test-run of home hydrogen use in Redcar, Teesside. If investment and the final green light are forthcoming, up to 2,000 homes and businesses will receive locally produced green hydrogen. It will see boilers designed for 100% hydrogen used as part of the attempt to create a complete “hydrogen village”.  
Biz in Brief

NGN: Always innovating

The British energy regulator, Ofgem, has bestowed £500,000 on Northern Gas Networks (NGN) for five projects that will help the UK on their journey to building a net-zero economy. Projects range from supporting a rail decarbonisation strategy to the use of hydrogen in heavy duty transport. In another project, robots using thermal imagery can assess pressure conditions in pipes to reduce methane leakage. Residential energy efficiency and generating power from gas flow round out the five fabulous projects.  
Biz in Brief

Piping in the fuel of the future

Northern Gas Networks is running a world-leading, first-of-its-kind, closed test to replace natural gas with 100% clean burning hydrogen. A disused area with a pipe network that previously supplied homes with gas will be closed off for the experiment. Similar to natural gas, an odourising agent will be added for extra safety. Hydrogen burns with zero emissions, making it a leading contender for helping the UK achieve its net-zero carbon emission targets for the nation.  

Time in a Bottle: NGN’s discovery

Northern Gas Networks made an amazing discovery while decommissioning 85-year-old gas tanks in Bradford, UK. The Birkshall Gasworks site contained three time capsules from 1937. The glass containers each contained a copy of the Telegraph & Argus newspaper and documents listing the date of the construction and engineering, which was overseen by the Bradford Gas Corporation and Chief Engineer G.E. Currier. NGN tracked down Mr Currier’s family to gift one of the time capsules to them.  
Biz in Brief

Northern Gas Networks at the heart of hydrogen hopes of NE England

Northern Gas Networks has launched its East Coast Hydrogen Programme in partnership with Cadent and National Grid with an event at the House of Commons. East Coast Hydrogen aims to connect over 7GW of hydrogen production to supply up to 39,000 commercial and industrial sites along with up to 4.4 million homes. This could mark a huge improvement in the carbon impact incurred through heating homes, powering transport and meeting the needs of industries.   
Biz in Brief

People power to finance a green future

Northern Gas Networks Finance raised
£1 million through the sale of a green bond to local investors that will allow them to realise returns of 1.6% a year over 10 years. The funds will be used to upgrade the current network of gas pipes to make them hydrogen ready as Northern Gas Networks builds the zero-emission network of the future. Offering the bond to the public gives people a chance to participate in greening their future.  
Biz in Brief

Hydrogen in your home

Northern Gas Networks has been actively involved in funding and directing projects aimed at using zero-emission hydrogen to reduce the use of fossil fuels across the economy. Partnering with gas distribution company Cadent and the UK government, it has built two homes that are equipped with hydrogen-powered appliances. The semi-detached houses, built near Gateshead, were officially opened in July by the former Energy Minister, Anne-Marie Trevelyan. The houses will be models for hydrogen-heated homes, providing the least invasive and most cost-effective route to zero carbon home heating for a large proportion of UK homes in the future.  
Biz in Brief

Northern Gas Networks wins hydrogen development innovation funding

Northern Gas Networks is partnering with National Grid and others to create a £12.7 million closed-loop experimental system to test the use of hydrogen in support of the UK’s goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The multi-firm collaboration will receive an award of £9.07 million from Ofgem (the UK energy regulator) via their Network Innovation Competition.  
Biz in Brief

UK networks lauded for latest projects

Two UK-based gas and power companies have been recognised for their ambitious work, receiving prestigious awards for their latest endeavours. Northern Gas Networks’ H21 hydrogen project was awarded the 2020 Pipeline Industries Guild Award for the best onshore pipeline concept. And UK Power Networks was named ‘Network of the Year’, taking the top prize at the annual Network Awards.  
Biz in Brief

Ofgem funding to boost gas alternative options

Northern Gas Networks received a £770,000 grant to link the Bradford Alternative Fuel Centre to the gas network which will, in turn, power the development of a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) filling station. This funding from Ofgem will help the UK on its way towards reaching its decarbonisation goals, building on the green advantages of CNG as a fuel alternative.  


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